Hello Everyone,
All of the Dry Erase Packets have been changed to a 1-day checkout period. Also, everything that is circulated in the 24/7 Study Area and the Computing Hub has also been changed to a 1-day checkout.
Have a great day!
Welcome to the Circulation Desk Log/Blog
Hello Everyone,
All of the Dry Erase Packets have been changed to a 1-day checkout period. Also, everything that is circulated in the 24/7 Study Area and the Computing Hub has also been changed to a 1-day checkout.
Have a great day!
We’re in the process of adding yellow Loan Periods and Late Fees labels on all our major equipment kits. If you check-in any kits that don’t have yellow labels on them, please let me know so that I can add these on them.
Please drop off Mac laptops in my office if you check them in. IDT needs to install test-taking software on them.
Hi everyone,
As a reminder, there are a few places a DVD can be located:
Starting today, the Asian Collection is being moved to the 3rd floor, between the end of the HX call numbers and the beginning of Government Publications.
We need to notify anyone needing the Asian Collection that they may find their items on the 3rd Floor and that some items from Gov Pubs may now be in Compact Storage.
The target date for the move completion is the last day of classes. We are doing this to expand the Chicana/Chicano Collection area on the first floor, provide for growth for the Asian Collection, and eventually, provide more study space on the first and third floors.
CSU+ and Circuit both circulate for 60 days with NO renewals allowed.
A Supervisor can change the due date and add a few days to CSU+ loans, but only in certain circumstances.
We don’t know if we can do the same for Circuit, so don’t offer to patrons yet.