Mac Chargers Guide

A laminated visual guide for the Mac chargers has been placed between the two workstations (next to the book sensitizer.) Please refer to it when patrons ask for chargers and it’s unclear which version they’re looking for. We have 3 different versions currently (only 1 of the newest version). We should be getting a few more of the newest version in the summer for Summer/Fall semester onward.

Lost and Found Cabinet and Cart

The Lost and Found cabinet and the cart next to it have been cleaned up and organized. Since the chargers & headphones bin was getting full and knotted up, they’ve been separated now into separate bins. Also, all the electronics stuff is now next to each other on the middle shelf, to keep things separate from the non-electronics lost and found items on the top and bottom shelves. The cart next to the cabinet is labelled now too (top section for books and readers, and the bottom for notebooks, loose-leaf sheets and other books.)

I’ll go over with everyone this next week on how to properly tie up cables and headphones.