SIK Guides

We are getting referrels from Build-It regarding some specialized kits that can be checked out here.

These are: SIK Guides – kit for the Spark/Fun Redboard

They’re shelved in Equipment cabinet #2, on the bottom shelf – look for orange label tape that says, ‘KIT #381″.

Pretty much if you get a request for equipment from someone coming from Build-It, this will probably be it.

Compact Shelf External Name Change for Primo

Hello Everyone,

Today I changed the External Location (Primo/One Search Location Display) for Compact Shelving material to Place Hold for Retrieval (Sign-in Required)”. 

The change is only visible from the website. Internally (In Alma) the locations names will stay the same. This is being done because patrons can’t access Compact Shelving and they will need to place a hold for us to retrieve it. Making the change makes it easier for the patron to understand what they need to do and reduce questions at the circulation desk about retrieving material from compact shelving.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Have a great day!
