Library user operated swipe card readers

The swipe card readers on the front counter have been moved to the opposite side of the monitors. We’re encouraging library users to swipe their own cards so that we don’t have to handle them. Please ask that the user show us the picture before checking out material – they can just hold up their card for you. So far there haven’t been any issues, but please add any comments if you encounter difficulties or pushback from patrons.

Guest Wi-Fi access change

We’ve been having a lot of guest library users telling us they’re having difficulty with wireless access on their personal devices – they’re being asked for a log in and password which is causing some confusion. Apparently they are supposed to enter a phone number that can receive texts, and they will be sent a text with a code they can use to get access. If they do not have a mobile device that receives texts, they can go to the SCC Helpdesk for code, or they can email the Help Desk (more info later)