Please ask staff if you have questions

If you have questions, please ask one of the supervisors in the area. We have had instances where patrons were sent away from the desk with out help or with the wrong information when a supervisor knew how to answer their questions. Its bad customer service. If you get stuck, ask. We are always glad to help and we are the best source for information.

Instructions for LOA and Incomplete

Reminder to both SAs and Staff regarding LOA and Incomplete: it’s not enough to just change the expiration date and insert a note.
Please do:
Change expiration date (look for current date under glass)
Change the P-Type to 6 (Student – Not Current)
Change the P-Code 3 to 230 (LOA), 229 (Incomplete), or 233 (Thesis- Incomplete)
Change P-Code 1 to DOP
Insert a note with what’s done, your initials and date
File the paperwork alphabetically in the white Incomplete/LOA binder at Circ desk
Also, there are instructions at the front of the binder

Continuing students – expired

Students who aren’t enrolled in classes don’t get library privileges unless they get an Official Leave of Absence or get an Incomplete.
The Registrar’s Office processes Official LOA forms (they can fax the completed forms to us at 619 594-0742).
They can also file for the Official LOA on Webportal and send a screenshot to (or
For students who cannot do an Official LOA but are working on a thesis, they can get their thesis Adviser to write a letter stating that they’re working on a thesis and need access to library resources. We will accept emailed letters from the Adviser or relevant faculty – send to Troy or Joan at address above.

Community Users not showing up after registering

If you get a Community User who comes over after registering and their record doesn’t show up, it’s probably because they have a common name and the first initial/last name combo for University ID is already taken by somebody else. Can’t have duplicate records. Create a new record: there’s a template in Sierra for Community Users. When creating their University ID, try adding a middle initial to make it different from the one already in the system

Guest Card clarification

The Guest Card program has been suspended indefinitely.
We still extend FREE LIMITED library privileges to a few other groups:

  • Mutual Use – any CSU student, staff or faculty with a current ID card or proof of registration/employment can get a free Mutual Use card. There are special dk blue apps at each Circ station. Remember to get their home institution and email address.
  • San Diego Higher Education faculty – instructors at other accredited colleges (no high schools) can get free card with limited privileges (5 items at any one time). No remote access. Must have employment docs from school.
  • Lifetime Alumni – must have Lifetime Alumni ID card. Use their Alumni card and add a barcode rather than make a new ID.
  • Corporate cards (maybe) – direct to Adrian.

All Mutual use, SD Faculty, Lifetime Alumni cards are free. Except for Mutual Use (dk blue apps), they all fill out the same yellow application forms and all need to be entered on the ‘Guest Log’.

For more info:

Security Gates reminder

When the gates go off for users exiting the building ask about books FIRST, laptops LAST.
Ask: do you have any books: from other libraries, used textbooks, books you bought on-line? Eliminate possible book issues before moving on to electronics.
If it turns out to be a laptop please encourage the patron to consider using the entrance/exit on the second floor of the Library Addition, explaining that we will have to call them over every time the gate goes off when they’re leaving and it’s frustrating for them and for us.