Today there was a wallet in the Lost and Found. When the patron came to retrieve it, we found it wasn’t added to the Log – EVERY VALUABLE ITEM MUST BE WRITTEN IN THE LOG. This includes wallets, credit cards, phones, tablets, laptops etc.. There are good reasons why this is a necessity – please ask any Staff person if you need more information on why.
At around 4:15 PM a man approached the…
At around 4:15 PM, a man approached the circulation desk and requested a security guard resolve a problem he had with an aggressive individual in the media center. The suspect allegedly threatened him while he was sitting at a desk and told him he would “f**k him up.”. Troy called campus police and they arrived around 4:27 PM -Catherine/Josie
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
V.I.T.A. (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) is available on Fridays through April 15th from 10 am to 4 pm.
they are located in the northwest corner of 2nd floor Love Library (the Student Computer Hub) next to the new build -IT space. There are a few VITA informational handouts at the front desk
Hogging Course Reserves
There are a couple of patrons on campus that have been checking out the 3 day reserves and switching them between each other. When one person checks the book back in, the other person immediately comes to the desk to recheck it back out. We have noticed this with a couple books and always the same people. There have been other patrons inquiring about the books, but they have always been checked out.
Bathrooms in Library Addition closed
Bathrooms in this building will be closed until further notice due to flooding. Library patrons will need to go to Love Library to use restrooms
Scheduled Outage Today, Thursday February 18th
Goprint paid printing will be down for approximately 2 hours starting at 10:30PM tomorrow night Thursday February 18th. Please refer patrons to the 24/7 printing services desk if they need to print during the outage
Email not being delivered
Some notices, especially pick up notices, are not getting through to Library users.
Please advise patrons to check their Library records online if they are waiting for requested material – if they don’t know how to log in to their records through the home page, please show them how.
Shelving Course Reserves correctly
Adrian reports that he is finding a number of improperly shelved course reserve books.
Pay very careful attention to call number order. Just one improperly shelved book can soak up much time and effort as we try to locate it. And it makes our users unhappy 🙁
Only students pay at Cashiers
Just a reminder – Faculty, staff and guests have to pay fines here at the Circulation desk by check, money order or cash in the exact amount. Cashiers has no info on non-students.
If no staff is available, please issue a receipt from the receipt book – where the Guest Card log is located. Put the cash and patron info in an envelope and put in secure box on the wall of Troy’s office
We have run out of receipt notes in the receipt booklet.