Professor O’Brien borrowed 2 of her own ISCOR 301 books until 8/17. They are HUMAN RIGHTS AND CONFLICT (JC571.C68727 RBR 2006) and LEASHING THE DOGS OF WAR (JZ5538 .L4 RBR 2007). -Claire
New Students
New students are not showing up in the system because they have not paid for classes. Create a new record for them with the expiration date of 9-26-16. They should have a Red Id of 820-xxx-xxx
Summer Groups
Japan Studies- Japan Studies Group will be in on Tuesday between 1pm and 4pm. Search their record by last name. They should have a Red ID of JAPAN#. Update the Red ID Number, Add Email, and Add a barcode to the records.
Summer Groups from Dorms- There will be a list of Summer Groups from the dorms that we are providing computer access to. The list can be found at the main computer. When these groups come in, verify they are on the list. Open up PC Reservation on the main computer. Print Guest Receipt ( it takes a minute to start printing).
Staff Volunteer expiration date
We’re getting new Staff Volunteers at the desk who need to have their records entered manually. Most of these patrons are only here for the summer and should be given an expiration date of 9/1/16.
New students can’t log in
Some new students are having issues logging on to the WiFi. ETS is aware of the situation and is working on it. Please continue to send students with WiFi issues to the Library Computing Hub Help Desk for assistance.
Claims Returned Forms for disputed material
If a Library user says they returned a book, lost a book or never checked out a book that’s on their record, use the ‘Claims Returned’ form found with other forms at your station.
Fill out the top half of the form only, including the date, your initials and which category: returned, lost or NCO. There is an attached information handout that should be given to the user.
If in person, have the user fill in the address on the flipside of form.
EACH book requires a SEPARATE form!
Microforms and equipment moved
Just a reminder, the microforms collection (microfiche and microfilm) and the reader equipment have moved down to the Media Center area. If Library users have requested microforms from ILL, send them to the Media desk for assistance.
Textbooks from the Book Returns
I have a dozen+ personal books that were dropped in the Book Returns.
These may be Book Store rentals.
If students come looking for their textbooks that may have been dropped in the book returns, all the books are on a book truck outside Joan’s office.
Professor Dimofte checked out “MARKETING MANAGEMENT” until Monday 05/04/16. He will have it available at his Class for open book.
Kitchen problems
Mistakes happen; this isn’t the first time someone has burned something in the microwave. But if you burn something, drop something, spill something – hey, clean up after yourself! There aren’t custodians who will clean up your mes; there are only fellow employees and unit staff. I can speak for the staff when I say, we got better things to do. And if you burn something in the micro or toaster/oven, the smell will linger until IT IS CLEANED. There are a ton of cleaning products in the department, use them please.
AND, to add insult to injury, there were dirty dishes in the sink today, Monday. WASH YOUR DISHES.