Book returning instructions

Users who want to return their checked out Library books are being confused by incomplete or vague instructions. Users are putting their books on some random book truck and causing all kinds of problems…

Be EXPLICIT when telling people where to return books – tell them EXACTLY where they can find a book return, like ’20 paces down this hallway, on the right, you should see a book return on the wall. It says Book Return’. Or ‘out that door in the Dome, just to the right before the stairs’. We’ll see about putting up a sign in the Donor Hall, but until then please be clear in your instructions.

Lost and Found

Valuable items have not been added to the L & F Valuable log.

If  the reason why items are not being logged in is that there aren’t any blank forms in the Valuables Log, next time go to the Master Forms binder to get a copy of the form, take it to the copier and run off a bunch of copies. You can’t NOT log in valuables.

The black three-ring Master Forms binder is in the bottom drawer of the main Circ desk (phone desk).



Effective immediately, we have changed the email address for wireless printing from to This was done to address the slowness of wireless printing. Physical and digital signage is being updated to promote the new email address. The old address will continue to work for the next couple of months, but will no longer be promoted.