Student in need of Medical Assistance

At approximately 9:45pm Samuel Hufner, 26yrs of age, came to the desk in need of assistance. Samuel said he was feeling nauseous, dehydrated, and felt like he was going to faint. Robert (security), and myself had him sit down in the sofa in front of the Circulation station. Samuel looked like he had a bad fever, sweating, and was talking in a low pitch. Robert brought him a trashcan in case he needed to vomit, and paper towels. He did not want us to call for medical assistance, so I ended up calling campus police to analyze Samuel condition. At approximately 9:54pm campus police arrive and talk to Samuel. After the campus police explain to Samuel medical assistance is free, if they don’t take him to the hospital, he allowed us to call. Samuel ended up throwing up in the trashcan as we waited. At approximately 10:04pm the fireman arrive to treat Samuel. After the firefighters analyzed Samuel, and talked to him for a while, they ended up convincing Samuel he needed to go to the hospital. At 10:14pm the medical team took Samuel to the Hospital.

Course Reserve

Course Reserve for class Chicana/Chicano Studies 355, prof. Bolivar, Maria:

The book Magical Urbanism (HT 156 D83 RBR 2000) is not attached to the professor’s name or the course. A student asked for the book and I had to look it up in Sierra to find the call number. The student said the professor told her to just ask the desk and they can find the book on the shelf for her, even though it not attached to her class. Maybe we can just attach the book to her class and name?

  • Shayla

Course reserve dropped in Book return

A patron called and said she dropped her friend’s course reserve in the book drop on the south side of the Love library (the open air theater side). I instructed the patron to have her friend come in and fill out a fine appeal form once the fine is generated. I forgot to ask for the name of the patron to put some sort of note in the record, so this can be documentation that the patron did call today. CDC

Accidental Spray of Pepper Spray in 24hr Department

At around 10pm, Jose in 24hours Department contacted the circulation desk that someone accidentally sprayed pepper spray by the sofas in front of 24hrs desk. When I got there, the Patrons had cleared out the area, and moved to other locations around 24hrs area. Jose and I positioned two fans from the circulation desk in the area to diminish whatever residue of pepper spray was left. By the time I got there it wasn’t too strong, but as a precaution we use the fans to dilute whatever was left of the pepper spray.