Books not checked in

This is a big problem, and absolutely should not be happening: people have been coming to the desk complaining because course reserve items are still checked out to them and are generating bills.
DO NOT put books on the return trucks unless you are SURE you have checked them in.

When 24/7 brings down books in the morning, double check that they have been checked in and re-sensitized.

If you encounter a problem with a checked-out book on the reserve shelves, let us know so that we can deal with the overdue fine before it goes over to Cashiers – which is a YUGE problem.

So, until further notice, double check (check them in and re sensitize) all Reserve books before putting them back on the shelves.

New User record creation

Hey – if you create a record (Register New User) for someone who is not in the system, you must have the user fill out either a Fac/Staff form or a Student registration form.
Please make sure that the relevant info is filled out completely.
Forms go on the wire rack hanging on the front of the telephone desk partition.

Please run their Red ID number through the ID verifier first and talk to a Staff if there’s any negative response.

When creating the record in Alma, you MUST choose something for ‘User Group’ or you won’t be able to check anything out to the record.

Hep A Outbreak San Diego

There is currently an Hepatitis A epidemic in San Diego. For more information, go to:

It is imperative that we all protect ourselves by staying vigilant regarding keeping our work areas, especially keyboards and mice, as sanitary as possible.
There are Clorox wipes at the Circ desk – please wipe down your area before starting, and wipe down your keyboard after any public use. Clean your area often throughout your shift.
DO NOT touch other people’s phones – this should be a general rule, not just a temporary precaution because of the outbreak.
Please wipe down the public computers as time permits so we can not only protect ourselves, but also our fellow Aztecs.
Wash your hands often with soap and hot water, especially before eating; apparently this is an even better remedy than using alcohol-based hand cleaners.
Please take these recommendations seriously; Hep A is a nasty, nasty & life-threatening bug. Nobody’s got time for it!

‘Scratch’ paper availability

We don’t really supply people with scratch paper, however we do have a pile of full-sized paper that has been printed on one side that we’ve put down at the end of the desk.
I’ve heard some SAs recommend taking paper out of the printers in Reference, and that is NOT appropriate.
If students want clean copy paper, they need to go and buy some, but I don’t mind giving them our cast-offs if they truly just need some scratch paper.

Reserve and 'ask-at-desk' DVDs

Going through the returned DVDs I saw one Course Reserve DVD and one ‘Ask-at-Desk DVD.
The Course Reserve DVDs have a yellow sticker on the spine that clearly says ‘ON RESERVE’.
These DVDs are shelved in the unit just under the digital clock – if the DVD is in a yellow case, it is kept in the DVD cabinet in one of the top two drawers.
The ‘Ask-at-Desk’ discs are the more expensive or hard to replace titles and have (or will have soon) a light blue sticker across the spine that says, ‘Please return to Circulation Desk Location: Circulation Desk Media.
These DVDs are kept in the drawers of the DVD cabinets by DVD number.
Please DO NOT put DVDs with either of these stickers on the DVD return shelf.

Closing tasks

Please remember that all books on the book return truck(s) are double-checked at the end of the night.
Push the truck back to Stack Maintenance, transfer books to a regular book truck and put a yellow ‘Double Checked’ sign on it. Return the black three tier truck to the Circ Desk. Also, remember to lock up all the cabinets – media equipment, lost and found and all the front desk cabinets.