Gov Pubs and Asian Collection Moves

Starting today, the Asian Collection is being moved to the 3rd floor, between the end of the HX call numbers and the beginning of Government Publications.

We need to notify anyone needing the Asian Collection that they may find their items on the 3rd Floor and that some items  from Gov Pubs  may now be in Compact Storage.

The target date for the move completion is the last day of classes.  We are doing this to expand the Chicana/Chicano Collection area on the first floor, provide for growth for the Asian Collection, and eventually, provide more study space on the first and third floors.



Circuit Additional Information

Additional Info:
1. Patrons will not show up in the Circuit DBC until after they have ordered an item.

2. Patron Records in the Circuit DCB only have a name and a barcode/iso number. You will NOT be able to search by Red ID or SDSUid.

3. The number is on the bottom right of the SDSU ID Card is the barcode/iso and starts with 622090…

4.”b” is the prefix that Circuit DCB recognizes for barcode searches.

5. “n” is the prefix that Circuit DCB recognizes name searches. Names are searched by Last, First

6. To open a patron record you will need to input “b” and swipe the patrons Red ID Card or you will need to input “n” and search by name.

7. To checkout the material to a patron in the Circuit DBC, you will need to add an “b” before scanning the barcode.

Circuit Procedures

Below are the procedures for the Checkout and Returning of Circuit material. The user name and password for the Circuit DCB are maincrc (Username) and crcmain (password). The icons for the Circuit DCB is located on the desktop of each computer. Ask for help on your first Circuit Checkout.

Checking Out to the Patron:
Checkout Needs to be performed both in Alma and the Circuit DCB

1. Using the Circuit DCB
Patron Check-Out- Checkout the item to the Patron
2. Alma
Manage Patron Services – Checkout the item to the Patron (necessary so patron can view the item in their record)

Returns need to be processed in both Alma and the Circuit DCB before being sent back.

1. Alma
Return Items – Check the item in from the Patron
2. Circuit DCB
Not My Item Check-In – Checkin item and return to Owning institution

Reserve Items Overnight Due Time

Hello Everyone,
2 or 4 hour reserve items that are checked out over night are normally due at the time we open. I adjusted the opening time in the system to an hour after we open. Please tell the student the due date time that is displayed at checkout. Do not add an hour to the time because it is confusing to the patron. There is a 1 hour grace period, but it will add a $2.00 fine if it is 1 minute late pass the due date. So again, please just notify the patron of the due date displayed at checkout.

Thank you,


Effective immediately, we have changed the email address for wireless printing from to This was done to address the slowness of wireless printing. Physical and digital signage is being updated to promote the new email address. The old address will continue to work for the next couple of months, but will no longer be promoted.