
Greetings to all,

We want to remind you of several things when you
are at working at the Circulation Desk.
1. Please remember that we have upgraded the desk computers
so that you can do your course tasks on those computers. Please
stow away your laptops now while you are working.
2. When you clock in and out on PeopleSoft, be sure to
enter your exact time. If you are late on arrival or stay over
your assigned time, be sure to enter the actual times.
3. With regard to checking out Circuit items, please remember
there is a two-step process. When checking out, you first scan
the item  on the DCB Circuit database and then repeat the process
in Alma. You do both again when checking a Circuit item back in.
People are forgetting to do this. Please ask if you have any questions.
One slip on your part can take a lot of time of my part to figure out.
4. When checking in any book that has a strap, please DO NOT use
a pencil or ball point pen. Use a soft marker, so as not to leave indentations
in the book covers.
Thanks for working with us. We appreciate it all that you do.


Hello Everyone… if you have FWS please work with us to keep track of your allocation. Any amount submitted to peoplesoft over the allotted FWS will NOT be paid out. We are going to come up with a solution to keep track, but we would like you to also keep track as a back up. Below is Pete’s message to us.


FWS Budget:


I will send a beginning student allocation each semester. You will need to keep track of the hours scheduled/reported to stay within the student’s allocation. Since this is no longer  an end of the month process within my control, you will need to keep track of this in real time. You can never go over a student’s individual FWS allocation, the time sheet will not be paid out if there are insufficient FWS funds. You will need to let the student know when they are nearing their limit and instruct them when/how to split their shift if necessary between FWS and non-FWS position titles.


They should log in at the beginning of the shift to the correct position title. When they clock out for their shift, they will clock out of that first position title, then enter punch time for the next position title(s) within their shift. In these cases of multiple positions for one shift, the OUT punch time should be rounded, i.e. FWS OUT 11:00AM not 10:59AM, then Regular/non-FWS IN 11:00AM. But the final OUT punch time must be actual time; not rounded.


Community Computer Registration begins Wednesday 6-13-18

Hello Team,

Starting Wednesday 6/13/18 we will start registering users using a registration software named Cybrarian. The software has been added to all of the computers. I have trained the staff and a couple of the students. There will be instructions for registering at the front desk. All of the previous passes we handed out will be deleted on Wednesday morning.

A few things to know:

1. We will need a photo ID to register new users. We will make exceptions for students who come in with their parents. If the user does not have a photo ID we CAN Not register them.

2. We will have single use passes for patrons coming in for one time access for things like printing concert tickets.

3. Users will get 2 hours per day. This falls inline with the other public libraries that give 2 sessions of 1 hour each per day. WE CAN NOT GIVE USERS MORE TIME.

4. Barcode/User names are not case sensitive.

Let me know if you have any questions or have anything to add.



Summer Changes

Hello Team,

There are a few changes I wanted everyone to be aware of.

Chicano Collection- The Chicano Collection is in Stack Maintenance during renovation. If a patron wants an item from the collection we will retrieve it. We will need a call number to retrieve the material, so instruct the patron on how to find the call number if they do not have one.


Cluster 9 Community Computer Changes- Starting next week we will be registering all of the community users. They will need a government ID for us to register them. Training on registration will start this week (6/5/2018) after all of the supervisors are trained.


Summer Groups- SDSU Conference services run programs all summer long for different groups.  For groups that are in the dorms for longer than a week will receive library computer access in the research services area. Lists of the groups and the participants will be sent to me and I will print and place them at the center desk. To access the computers, the users will put in the computer name (White Label on the lower left of the monitor) and the password “Summer2018”.


Employment Date Reminder from Pete

Important Summer Dates/Reminders:
May 3: Last day graduating FWS students can earn FWS funds. All hours after May 3 will be paid from State funds.
May 6: Students can work 40 hours/week. (Students must work 20 hours/week during their active summer session(s). Students can work 40 hours/week when they are not enrolled in a session.)
May 14: Summer FWS SEA comes online. You will need to provide the student’s living arrangements over the summer as well as the estimated amount student will earn during each month. (Do not submit any SEAs until you receive the Summer 2018 student employee instructions from me. SEA instructions will be uploaded to the SA Supervisors Google Team Drive by May 15.)
May 30: All Spring student employees are automatically terminated.
May 31: Summer positions can begin for returning students and graduating students. Returning students can work through August 30. Graduating students can work until August 21. (“Returning” Summer student employees must have been enrolled at SDSU in the Spring and are also enrolled at SDSU in the Fall. Neither returning or graduating students are required to have been employed at SDSU in the Spring. They can be new employees but not new students.)
June 1: Certification/approval of Summer FWS SEAS begins. FWS students enrolled in 1+ unit will have little to no impact on their 18/19 Financial Aid award. Other FWS students must consult with OFAS if there are concerns about how summer FWS will affect their AY award.
July 1: Wages come from 18/19 budget
August 8: Brand new students to SDSU (freshmen & transfers) can be hired as Fall employees through May 31, 2019.
August 21: Last day graduating students can work as 1874 Bridge
August 26: Students must return to 20 hours/week. (Students must work 20 hours/week during their active session(s). Students can work 40 hours/week when they are not enrolled in a session.)

August 27: Brand new students to SDSU (freshmen & transfers) can start earning FWS
August 30: All summer students are automatically terminated.
September 1: Fall positions can begin for returning students through May 31, 2019.
TBD: Fall FWS rehire SEA comes online.

Upcoming Library Projects

LL 430/431 – Old tables and chairs moved out.  New tables and chairs moved in.  Currently awaiting arrival date.
FACULTY WORKSTATIONS –  19 new workstations. Faculty and furniture moved out, new furniture moved in.  Currently awaiting arrival date.
CHICANO COLLECTION MOVE – Room and surrounding area closes Monday, May 14th.  Permanently closing and becoming the SCUA work room in Fall 2018.  Chicano Collection is moving to the old CPMC/Asian Collection area.  Scheduled for completion by the start of the fall semester.
ASIAN COLLECTION MOVE – Collection has already been moved to a section of Government Publications.  Will be working, as time permits, to dress up the area.
NEWSPAPER SHELVING – Moving to the 3rd floor vending machine area.
BENCH SEATING INSTALLATION – 3RD FLOOR – New bench seating like that on the 4th and 5th floor areas.  Currently awaiting arrival
SCUA WALLS – Surrounding area closes Monday, May 14th.  Will becoming the SCUA Reading Room in Fall 2018
SCUA FLOORING – Surrounding area closes Monday, May 14th.  Will become the SCUA closed stacks in Fall 2018
REFERENCE STUDY ROOMS – Along the South East wall, near the faculty offices, study furniture will be moved out of the area Monday, May 14th in preparation for framing construction to begin late May.  Scheduled for completion by the start of the fall semester.

Compact Shelf External Name Change for Primo

Hello Everyone,

Today I changed the External Location (Primo/One Search Location Display) for Compact Shelving material to Place Hold for Retrieval (Sign-in Required)”. 

The change is only visible from the website. Internally (In Alma) the locations names will stay the same. This is being done because patrons can’t access Compact Shelving and they will need to place a hold for us to retrieve it. Making the change makes it easier for the patron to understand what they need to do and reduce questions at the circulation desk about retrieving material from compact shelving.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Have a great day!
