Media equipment page update

Hi all,
The media equipment page has been updated – you should see added search links for everything that was already on that page, and also the amount of kits we have for different things should be up to date now:

Please let me know if you notice something is missing or looks bad, or if there is anything else that should be included.

Chromebooks update

Hi all,
The rest of the Chromebooks (all version ’13) have been processed and are ready to go. #’s 01 and 08 still have some issues with them. If any of you receive these when they come in, please drop them off in my office.

Also a reminder to let all patrons know that even when they end a session on these (not even a restart!), an installed program purges everything clean back to the default settings – Just as a heads up!

iPad cables

Hi all, just a note about the iPads. Please remember to make sure all items (Pads, chargers, cables) are properly checked out and in. We’re noticing that two different iPads over the past 2 weeks were left in circulation with the wrong types of chargers. They should have these cables:

I found iPad#3 today with the wrong (smaller) cable, so we’re not able to charge it. I’ll be taking it out of circulation until we get a replacement cable. IDT has asked that I send this reminder out (they replaced one of the cables last week and are trying to avoid having to make frequent replacement orders.)

Media equipment

Hi all, Just a quick friendly reminder (see Oct. 24 post) about media equipment/laptops etc. that are dropped off in my office – please remember to place a note on them with a brief description of the what the issue is. There were 4 laptops today and only one had a note. The other ones I didn’t know what to look for or troubleshoot, so I placed them back in the shelf area.

Post-it notes for equipment

Place all damaged/malfunctioning equipment in Sam’s office, rather than on the shelves. We’re finding that some of the post-it notes that are placed on these kits fall off and it’s hard to tell what kits need to be looked at and/or serviced. It’s ok to place notes on them (that way, when I look at the kits, I know what issues need to be addressed), but just place these kits directly in my office, rather than on the shelves.