All of the computers in the reference area are down.
Author: circdesk
There are two people stuck in elevator three on 2/22/15 at 5:23 p.m.
Library user operated swipe card readers
The swipe card readers on the front counter have been moved to the opposite side of the monitors. We’re encouraging library users to swipe their own cards so that we don’t have to handle them. Please ask that the user show us the picture before checking out material – they can just hold up their card for you. So far there haven’t been any issues, but please add any comments if you encounter difficulties or pushback from patrons.
When students come in asking for a thing called MYDAC, it is downstairs in the media center.
Just a reminder that GRE and Test Prep course reserve books should be placed on the shelf next to the SDSU Course Catalogs on the far left side of the Circulation Desk.
Non circ tasks 2/14/15 & 2/15/15
1. The reference computers had the same error message from last week, so I pressed connect on some of them to access the server.
2. Someone called in and asked about the library having a wifi password so I explained how to access the wifi
3. A patron printed in the reference area and came to the desk because it only printed 4 pages but charged her $7
That was it for my shift, but I feel like usually there are a lot more non-Circ questions we have to answer on the weekends. -Claire
4. A patron asked if the library checked out ipads/ tablets to draw on for a class I directed him to the Media center after calling and confirming that they have it.
5. A patron asked about resizing the paper she wanted to make a copy of to half of a page I sent her to 24/7 copy services.
1. A patron asked to speak to the head of the math tutoring because he wanted tutoring for MIS302. I gave him Helen Nobles email address.
2. A patron who is working on her Master’s degree was looking for periodicals/ books/ articles specifically related to parent child case conceptualization. I tried to help her, but she couldn’t find what she was looking for.
3. A couple of people were asking if the library/ campus was closed tomorrow in lieu of Presidents day sadly we aren’t.
Someone got stuck in elevator 3 and got out. Now it’s stuck open on the 2nd floor and Beau posted out of order signs on all the floors. -Claire
Title: Peyote hunt: the sacred journey of the Huichol Indians / Barbara G. Myerhoff
Call Number: F1221.H9 M9 1976
Location: RBR
Status: Missing
Renting calculators in the library
We get quite a few students who ask about if there is a place in the library to rent out calculators, so I don’t know if that’s something the library would consider doing.
compliant about quiet study room temperature
A patron complained that the quiet study room was too hot. Edward said there isn’t really a way we can change the temp. -Claire