Hey everyone, we’ve recently experienced incidents of food going missing from the refrigerator in the break room. Some items have been taken from the freezer section. I think I’ve had my bagel dogs and breakfast burritos disappear twice now :-(. Just be aware that if you leave items in the fridge overnight they may not be there when you go to find them.
Also, please clear you item out of the fridge before the weekend – or label items clearly so that they are not discarded. Items in the freezer don’t need to be removed.
Author: circdesk
Missing course reserve
N7350 .M26 2005 History of Japanese art / Penelope Mason for ART 565 is not on the shelf. -Claire
Bathroom Water Spill
A patron was seen by another patron to allegedly be washing his clothes in the Media Center bathroom. Beau went down to see what had transpired and reported a large amount of water on the floor. Facilities Maintenance was called at 1:20 PM.
Patron called with reference question about an ebook…
Patron called with reference question about an ebook, told patron to call back Monday.
Social Psychology by David G. Myers – Textbook Missing
Call #: HM1033 M944 2013
Last Checked in 03/25/2015 at 1:24 PM at Circ Desk
- NM / JH
approx 430pm African American male, possibly intoxicated, received complaints from other patrons and refused to leave, physically touched guards and called Brad a “White Boy”, campus police were called but he was escorted out by guards
LEAK IN 24/7
There’s another water leak in the 24/7 area coming from the ceiling panel. It was reported at 5:12 PM and Edward called facilities to fix the issue. -Catherine and Romina
Leak in 24/7
There is a leak in the 24/7 area reported at 6:20 pm. Adrian called maintenance to have the problem cleared. -CJ and NM
Patron stuck in elevtor #2.
10:15- public safety called notified that someone was stuck in the elevator.
Spill in Hallway
Marco reported to us that someone spilled iced coffee in the hall.