SAs may start receiving ‘reminders’ to do an on-line security and training course for the library. If you follow the link it will ask you for your ‘Aztec link’ password. In order to get a password, apply for an account at ETS on 2nd floor of Love Library and bring your Red ID and a copy of the email, or have the email on your phone etc.. It will take 24 hours for your account to be activated. All students who work with library user personal data must go through the training, but it’s pretty painless.
Author: circdesk
Missing Reserve text
‘Becoming Visible’ HQ1588 B46 1998 is currently MIA.
24/7 and the Hub have been checked. Please keep checking the shelf.
A student is waiting for it to be returned and we said that we’d all him:
Wheat, Zach 818110066 425 890-7446
Math and Stats room change
There’s been a change in the Math and Stats Tutoring centers (why don’t they just put all the tutoring centers in one place, huh? sheesh). Math is now in Room LL-410 and Stats is in LL-416.
Hours and tutors are posted in the library’s website under ‘Help’ and then ‘Tutoring’.
Information about printing in the library
It’s a good idea to encourage students to use the GoPrint option for printing. When they use GoPrint, the job goes to every print station in the library: 24/7, Research, Media, CPMC and the Hub. However I understand that GoPrint isn’t good for everything, mostly good for Word and the like.
Students sending jobs from 24/7 computers must use the print station in that area.
Students sending jobs from Research computers can pick up there jobs in Research, Media and CPMC.
Students sending jobs from Hub computers must use the print station in that area (I think, fact checking that).
Putting money on cards can be done using a Dart machine if they have cash.
If not, they can go to any of the Aztec markets or bookstore or they can use the on-line option at https://get.cbord/sdsu/full/login.php
Friday Refrigerator Clean-Up
Joan will be cleaning out the refrigerator this Friday 9/4/15. This will be a weekly routine!
The paper accumulated in the shred bins has grown very large. Please make it an ongoing project throughout the day.
Printer Problems
There were complaints about printer number 3 not working. Patrons were swiping their Red Ids and the printer would not print, but was taking their money. We called 24/7 and they were having problems with their black and white printer as well. SCC is currently working on fixing them.
Doors not locking
FYI: Priscilla had to call Public Safety last Saturday because the doors didn’t lock.
Alumni card privileges
I remember hearing about a change in the alumni association that you could get a card for free now and therefore we were no longer turning the card into a guest card to give alumni book checkout privileges. However a patron came up to the desk now and had just gotten an alumni card and I wasn’t sure what to do because she said she had to pay to get it. So I just did a community user account for the time being and said I would check if this gives her book access as well. -Claire
Jesi’s email
Jesi’s card says her email is jbrubake@rohan and I just wanted to verify that wasn’t a spelling error (as opposed to jbrubaker@rohan). -Claire