Just a reminder – Faculty, staff and guests have to pay fines here at the Circulation desk by check, money order or cash in the exact amount. Cashiers has no info on non-students.
If no staff is available, please issue a receipt from the receipt book – where the Guest Card log is located. Put the cash and patron info in an envelope and put in secure box on the wall of Troy’s office
Author: circdesk
We have run out of receipt notes in the receipt booklet.
A person reported that the printers were not…
A person reported that the printers were not working and we are sending them up to 24/7 to print. –Gwen
Library Stats back up!
Library stats are back up again, please start taking stats immediately – thank you!
The book Power and Choice JA66.S47 RBR 2012 c.3 is not on the shelf. It was last checked in 11/22/15. -Claire
The book The new world history : a teacher’s companion, call # D16.2 .N39 2000, I could not find on either the course reserve shelves or in the stacks. -Claire 1/23/16
Library Stats down
The Library stat app isn’t working this week, but should be up soon. We’ll let you know when to start clicking away –
log in to wifi compromised
New students aren’t currently able to login to wifi as students, but they can log in as guests. They’ll have to register as guests every 24 hours until the problem is fixed, which we hope is sooner rather than later.
On Thursday, December 10th, around 10 PM, two males were seen behind the Circulation Desk who did not work here. They were slowly creeping up from the Stacks Maintenance area, wore hoodies and appeared to be headed towards the supervisors offices. Once they were spotted, they ran back towards Stack Maintenance, so Aly pursued them, thinking they were workers here and they ran off into the Love Library. Please keep an eye out for non-workers behind the desk and call campus police if you see anyone suspicious. -Catherine and Aly
Self checkout machine not working
The self checkout machine #1 (the one on the left, farther away from the circ desk) is not working. The screen is really dim and I could see there was some kind of error message. I unplugged and plugged it back in but it is still really dark. -Claire