Hello Everyone… if you have FWS please work with us to keep track of your allocation. Any amount submitted to peoplesoft over the allotted FWS will NOT be paid out. We are going to come up with a solution to keep track, but we would like you to also keep track as a back up. Below is Pete’s message to us.


FWS Budget:


I will send a beginning student allocation each semester. You will need to keep track of the hours scheduled/reported to stay within the student’s allocation. Since this is no longer  an end of the month process within my control, you will need to keep track of this in real time. You can never go over a student’s individual FWS allocation, the time sheet will not be paid out if there are insufficient FWS funds. You will need to let the student know when they are nearing their limit and instruct them when/how to split their shift if necessary between FWS and non-FWS position titles.


They should log in at the beginning of the shift to the correct position title. When they clock out for their shift, they will clock out of that first position title, then enter punch time for the next position title(s) within their shift. In these cases of multiple positions for one shift, the OUT punch time should be rounded, i.e. FWS OUT 11:00AM not 10:59AM, then Regular/non-FWS IN 11:00AM. But the final OUT punch time must be actual time; not rounded.


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