Employment Date Reminder from Pete

Important Summer Dates/Reminders:
May 3: Last day graduating FWS students can earn FWS funds. All hours after May 3 will be paid from State funds.
May 6: Students can work 40 hours/week. (Students must work 20 hours/week during their active summer session(s). Students can work 40 hours/week when they are not enrolled in a session.)
May 14: Summer FWS SEA comes online. You will need to provide the student’s living arrangements over the summer as well as the estimated amount student will earn during each month. (Do not submit any SEAs until you receive the Summer 2018 student employee instructions from me. SEA instructions will be uploaded to the SA Supervisors Google Team Drive by May 15.)
May 30: All Spring student employees are automatically terminated.
May 31: Summer positions can begin for returning students and graduating students. Returning students can work through August 30. Graduating students can work until August 21. (“Returning” Summer student employees must have been enrolled at SDSU in the Spring and are also enrolled at SDSU in the Fall. Neither returning or graduating students are required to have been employed at SDSU in the Spring. They can be new employees but not new students.)
June 1: Certification/approval of Summer FWS SEAS begins. FWS students enrolled in 1+ unit will have little to no impact on their 18/19 Financial Aid award. Other FWS students must consult with OFAS if there are concerns about how summer FWS will affect their AY award.
July 1: Wages come from 18/19 budget
August 8: Brand new students to SDSU (freshmen & transfers) can be hired as Fall employees through May 31, 2019.
August 21: Last day graduating students can work as 1874 Bridge
August 26: Students must return to 20 hours/week. (Students must work 20 hours/week during their active session(s). Students can work 40 hours/week when they are not enrolled in a session.)

August 27: Brand new students to SDSU (freshmen & transfers) can start earning FWS
August 30: All summer students are automatically terminated.
September 1: Fall positions can begin for returning students through May 31, 2019.
TBD: Fall FWS rehire SEA comes online.

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