Hello All,

There have been two identified community users who have been cut off from receiving earbuds. I am sure there are more but these are the only two we are aware of. If you know more please let a supervisor know.

First: Hispanic woman, “pock marked” face, dark hair, fairly short and stout. She usually wears floral/brightly colored blouses or dresses and her strap is constantly falling off her shoulder. She is usually accompanied by a portly white male wearing a ball cap. They both carry backpacks.

Second: African American woman, thin, average height, very short curly natural brown hair. Excessively torn oversized clothing, often grey sweatpants with a grey long sleeve shirt.



Hello All,
Heads up for those who did not know, headphones (not earbuds) are now to be checked out to patrons with a REDID, we are no longer holding REDID cards as collateral. Earbuds are still given to only community users but be aware of how many times you are giving the same user earbuds, too many users are abusing the privilege.