Patron wandering through Stack maintenance/Circ/ILL

This morning at around 10:20 am a girl came to my office and said she had lost her bus pass. I was kind of confused, but she was wearing a backpack and looked college-age, so I wasn’t sure if she was a new library hire and knew Circ had a lost and found. She was telling me how she had to sleep at a Starbucks last night and she had $72 on her bus pass and she’s a freshman who lives off campus. So, I checked the lost and found, but there was no bus pass. I gave her the Lost and Found phone numbers list and said she could call our desk to see if it’s turned in later or any of the other numbers. She said ok and then walked back down the hallway. I followed and she was standing in ILL. I asked if she works in the library and she said no but Public Safety had told her to come here. I said ok they probably said come to the Circ desk, but this is a staff only area. I directed her out the swinging door and she said I could trust her because she’s a singer/model/actress and Michael Jackson’s niece. She was trying to show me her Facebook page on her phone and said 2 professors follow her page and she is performing on campus in 2 weeks. I said ok good luck with your bus pass and backed away. She was repeating her name is Wendy Prescott Jackson and she’s 15 years old and Latoya’s daughter and was holding up a picture of Latoya Jackson. I went back to my office to call Bill and she walked over to Lexi and said I didn’t help her and she was looking for her bus pass. Lexi checked and it wasn’t there so she walked out of the dome. Description: Female, 5’3″, thin build around 100 lbs, black shoulder-length straight hair, pink knitted beanie, brown eyes, African American. Pink backpack, jeans, a gold cross necklace. I checked Alma and there’s no patron by that name. I also closed the door from the Donor Hall to Stack Maintenance. -Claire