Media equipment

Hi all, Just a quick friendly reminder (see Oct. 24 post) about media equipment/laptops etc. that are dropped off in my office – please remember to place a note on them with a brief description of the what the issue is. There were 4 laptops today and only one had a note. The other ones I didn’t know what to look for or troubleshoot, so I placed them back in the shelf area.

Meningitis on campus – be aware!

Everyone, it’s more important than ever to sanitize your work area before starting work and wash your hands several time a day.
Please DO NOT handle people’s phones.
If possible, have users swipe their own ID cards to check out – but look at the pictures, please.
Disinfect the other computers at the desk on a regular basis.
Make sure you sanitize the headphones.
Use the hand sanitizer if you handle items from the public and cannot wash your hands.

Please take this situation seriously and stay healthy!

Post-it notes for equipment

Place all damaged/malfunctioning equipment in Sam’s office, rather than on the shelves. We’re finding that some of the post-it notes that are placed on these kits fall off and it’s hard to tell what kits need to be looked at and/or serviced. It’s ok to place notes on them (that way, when I look at the kits, I know what issues need to be addressed), but just place these kits directly in my office, rather than on the shelves.