Hep A Outbreak San Diego

There is currently an Hepatitis A epidemic in San Diego. For more information, go to: http://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/hhsa/programs/phs/community_epidemiology/dc/Hepatitis_A.html

It is imperative that we all protect ourselves by staying vigilant regarding keeping our work areas, especially keyboards and mice, as sanitary as possible.
There are Clorox wipes at the Circ desk – please wipe down your area before starting, and wipe down your keyboard after any public use. Clean your area often throughout your shift.
DO NOT touch other people’s phones – this should be a general rule, not just a temporary precaution because of the outbreak.
Please wipe down the public computers as time permits so we can not only protect ourselves, but also our fellow Aztecs.
Wash your hands often with soap and hot water, especially before eating; apparently this is an even better remedy than using alcohol-based hand cleaners.
Please take these recommendations seriously; Hep A is a nasty, nasty & life-threatening bug. Nobody’s got time for it!

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