Response to Security Gate alarms

Since the DVDs have been moved to open shelving and we do not yet have new security gates (they’re in the building but there’s a delay in getting them installed) we must do due diligence when people set off the gates. Do not respond to gate alarms by asking ‘do you have a laptop?’ We will have to check bags and backpacks when the gates go off – tell people who have laptops that set off the gates to use a different exit or they’ll face getting stopped every time the gates alarm. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and we acknowledge that you might feel awkward stopping people, but it must be, emphasis must be, done,


Closing tasks: whoever is working the closing shift at the circulation desk needs to make sure to lock the Equipment cabinets, lost and found cabinet, and headphones cabinets before leaving. The keys belong in the lock box and need to be returned to the lock box. The lock box should be closed and locked at the end of the night as well.

Headphones: there are two cabinets under the circulation desk stations that have headphones to be loaned to SDSU patrons. You will take their ID card and give them the headphones.
There are separate disposable headphones for community users that they can keep.

Restroom light: the restroom light in the circulation area is currently out of order as of 10:15am on Wednesday 8/30/17 and is being repaired.

How to issue a receipt when asked for one

Alma no longer generates receipts so we have to give out manual receipts when someone asks for one. The receipt books are in the horizontal file on the telephone desk where the Guest Card log is located. If someone brings in a replacement book, please please give them a manual receipt. Or if a faculty staff brings in payment for lost material – put $ in an envelope, put the envelope in the box in Troy’s office and write out a receipt.

SDSUid Password Issues – Troubleshooting

If a patron comes to the desk saying that they can’t get on to the computers, first make sure that they are using their SDSUid email to log on (no longer RedID).
If they say they are but still cannot log on, bring them to the side computer and have them go through ‘Activate SDSUid’ so that they can change their password. (SDSUid requires students to change their password every few months, and doesn’t allow users to use the same password when resetting)
Once they change their password, ask them to follow the link to log on to their email online. They should be able to log in to the email and thus allow them to log on to the computers with the same information.

If a patron has changed their password but still cannot log on with the new password, they are probably locked out. You will need to select ‘Can’t access my account’ and select ‘I know my password but can’t sign in’. This will take them through a series of verification steps and hopefully allow them to get on the computer. Changes take a few minutes before they can log on to the computer.

Wells Fargo Financial Lab (Bloomberg terminals)

This facility is only for the use of students enrolled in particular classes – Finance probably. Computing Hub gets a list of students who are allowed access. If they’re not on the list, they don’t get in. The Library doesn’t have any autonomy over access nor do we have any info or instructions for the operation. Queries can go to

Ear buds for Community

We bought about 50 pairs of cheap earbuds to give to Community users when they ask for headphones, because we don’t want to check out the headphones that students use to the public. Just sayin’. The earbuds are in separate packs in the headphone tray in the marked cabinet at the Circ desk.
Regular headphones may be given out to students by holding on to their ID – attach their ID to the appropriate checkout card while headphones are in use. Spray returned headphones with Lysol product, also in Headphone cabinet.