Hold books – cubby vs hold shelf

There are two different kinds of holds:

1) users place holds on books and media through the online catalog. When the item is returned or found we check it in, a pick up notice is emailed to the requester and we put the book on the hold shelf, alphabetical by user’s name. This is all done electronically through the system.

2) an informal hold that bypasses the online system completely – we hold items for users who cannot for some reason (maybe they don’t have an id or owe money) check out in real time. A blue ‘cubby hold’ slip with user name is filled out with the date and staff initials and items on put on the ‘cubby hold’ shelves (last row of shelves to the right of the Circ desk) using day three days in future. Rubberband multiple books together.

There is another row of shelves labeled ‘holds’ – that row is for other departments to deposit books that are on hold, or for you to put a book that you’ve just checked in that comes up as ‘on hold’.
Please ask questions if this is confusing

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