Library stuff in the Lost and found

Hey, this is the second time I’ve found Library-owned stuff in the Lost and Found 🙁
The first time it was a Nook, and today I found a small clear plastic case that says HD CAM CHIP #2 with storage chip inside of it. BOTH OF THESE ITEMS HAD LIBRARY BARCODES.

In future please take a good look at electronic items before deciding that they’re lost. Please don’t put Library owned material in the Lost and Found –


At around 4:30 PM on Friday March 11th, a man was playing the piano located in the dome. Joan approached the individual and informed him that he could not play in the library and politely asked him to stop, at which point he claimed he was Mozart and became very belligerent. He was roughly 5’6, heavy built, Hispanic male with facial hair. If you see a man matching this description playing piano inside of the library, please inform a supervisor immediately. -Catherine/Cassidy