On Thursday, December 10th, around 10 PM, two males were seen behind the Circulation Desk who did not work here. They were slowly creeping up from the Stacks Maintenance area, wore hoodies and appeared to be headed towards the supervisors offices. Once they were spotted, they ran back towards Stack Maintenance, so Aly pursued them, thinking they were workers here and they ran off into the Love Library. Please keep an eye out for non-workers behind the desk and call campus police if you see anyone suspicious. -Catherine and Aly

Return Boxes

We gave a patron some wrong information about our return boxes outside of the library. We have 6 return boxes.

1. 1 box is located on the east side of the dome near the stairs. It is kind of hidden as you walk towards the dome, but when you are walking away you can see it on the right side of the stairs.

2. 1 Box is located near the entrance of the student computing hub.

3. 1 Box is located on the north side of the love library, outside, near the old entrance.

4. 1 small drop box is located in front of the arts and letters building.

5. DRIVE UP- 2 Red Drop boxes are located near the corner of Campanile Dr. and Hardy Ave. by the KPBS building.

Renewal questions

Library users may be calling today, Thursday, about renewing their books. The Library sent a reminder notice that library material is due 12/10, but when they try to renew it they get a message that it’s too soon to renew. Troy fixed things so they will be able to renew by tomorrow. When they renew their regular library material it will be due in February or due on their expiration date if it falls before February

Phone for the hearing impaired in 24/7

In case you get a question at the desk:

A video phone has been installed in the Library. Located in the 24/7 area, on the east side of the copier/print station wall (directly adjacent to the fire extinguisher), the video phone is available to all who need to communicate with the hearing impaired.

Please note that the system will only make OUTGOING calls, it is not set up to receive calls or take voice mail messages…and using it is very easy but the person calling out must know sign language. To use it requires a remote control which is available for checkout via the 24/7 desk.

Disinfect – every day, every day

Hey, remember to disinfect your area every time you start your shift: use the disinfecting wipes and swab the keyboard, mouse, barcode reader and anything else anyone else can touch. This is a tough time of year, and you don’t want to be sick during finals or, even worse, during the holidays! Please remember to disinfect the pom-pom computers too, as a public service