Guest Card clarification

The Guest Card program has been suspended indefinitely.
We still extend FREE LIMITED library privileges to a few other groups:

  • Mutual Use – any CSU student, staff or faculty with a current ID card or proof of registration/employment can get a free Mutual Use card. There are special dk blue apps at each Circ station. Remember to get their home institution and email address.
  • San Diego Higher Education faculty – instructors at other accredited colleges (no high schools) can get free card with limited privileges (5 items at any one time). No remote access. Must have employment docs from school.
  • Lifetime Alumni – must have Lifetime Alumni ID card. Use their Alumni card and add a barcode rather than make a new ID.
  • Corporate cards (maybe) – direct to Adrian.

All Mutual use, SD Faculty, Lifetime Alumni cards are free. Except for Mutual Use (dk blue apps), they all fill out the same yellow application forms and all need to be entered on the ‘Guest Log’.

For more info:

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