Guest Wi-Fi access change

We’ve been having a lot of guest library users telling us they’re having difficulty with wireless access on their personal devices – they’re being asked for a log in and password which is causing some confusion. Apparently they are supposed to enter a phone number that can receive texts, and they will be sent a text with a code they can use to get access. If they do not have a mobile device that receives texts, they can go to the SCC Helpdesk for code, or they can email the Help Desk (more info later)

Circ Blog Would Not connect to server

The Circulation Blog would not connect to the server. The message that came up said “P3 could not connect to WordPress Server”. I believe this happened because I was looking at a couple of different themes on Jan 23rd, 2015. “P3” is the current theme I am using for this blog. To fix the Issue I went to Dashboard-> Themes and clicked on P3 to customize it. In customization I went to the very bottom tab and clicked on Static Page and changed the option to static Page. I then changed the option back to latest post and clicked saved and publish. Doing this fixed the issue.

Adjunct Faculty

Hello Everyone!

There has been a lot of calls from Adjunct Faculty who are expired in our system. Their records are updated automatically from information received from the HR office. They will not be automatically updated until all of their paperwork is turned in and processed at HR.

What we can do in the mean time is update their record to January 21st, 2015 to give the Adjunct Faculty time for the paperwork to be processed. If you have any questions please let me know.
