Angry Patron- Richard Thompson: Guests unable to checkout Periodicals

We had an angry patron named Richard Thompson (Community Computer User) who wanted to check out a bound periodical in compact shelving. He read on our hold form that Periodicals can not be checked out by guests or alumni. I went to the desk to confirm our policy and before I could tell him he could read the item within the library he started going off about how we are a corrupt institution, we follow L. Ron Hubbard because we had an exhibit, and how every book in the building should be available to the American public because we are a federal depository. I tried to bring the conversation back down to earth by giving him my card and Sara’s card (He didn’t take Sara’s card) and explain to him that my hands are tied by the library policy, but he could talk to Sara about reviewing our policy. The conversation went back to corruption and illegalities and then he angrily left the building.